

Lya’s words after Indi’s departure:

And so Indi my darling, what if you choose to leave?

You beautiful old lady, what happens if you decide to go?

…it so happens that in the space between your brittle bones and your crinkly skin you’ll pack all the warm meals and sweet cookies your heart desired.

…it so happens that over your scaly wrinkles you’ll be dawning new hair to protect you.

…it so happens that your soft new fur will be sprinkled with soft caresses from the sweetest children, and eternal embraces from hopeful adults

…it so happens that you’ll leave behind the memories of pain and indifference.

…it so happens that you’ll leave knowing the taste of a kiss and the scent of a hug.

…it so happens that your absence will leave a void, and your life becomes a memory.

…it so happens that I’m sure you’ll leave feeling grateful, because that is what you scruffy angels do: ask and settle for so little.

…it so happens my beloved Indi, that you’ll be leaving with so much and yet I’ll still be in your debt.

If your wings are ready, child, feel no remorse in speeding them, for we will meet again I’m sure.

Lya Battle.
