How do we manage the poop of more than 1800 dogs?

Obviously, like all dogs in the world, Territorians eat, sleep and poop… and since there are more than a few puppies here, we have a looooot of poop!
Every day, the more than 1800 doggies that make Territorio de Zaguates their home, produce approximately 250 kilograms of solid waste. It's the same weight as an upright piano!

Every morning, our staff picks up all the poop with shovels and wheelbarrows. Then they take it to a specific area, where all the empty bags of food that the Territorians ate the day before are filled up and therefore reused. All the bags are sealed and taken to a container with a capacity of 15 tons, which is picked up every two weeks by the truck of the EBI company, experts in solid waste management.
Every week, this company comes with trucks and brings us a new clean and empty container, which they unload in an area that we built specifically to park two containers, and they take the container that is loaded to one of their environmental technology parks.

Thanks to the donations, we have invested thousands of dollars in structural work inside the shelter, such as: pipes, drains, and septic tanks. All with the purpose that waste and liquids do not harm natural resources, structures, but above all, the health of dogs and staff. In this way, we keep the mountain clean and the Territorians can freely enjoy the pastures, roads, forests, and rivers.
Undoubtedly, the whole process is not cheap or simple, but it is the correct and best way for our furry ones!